Monday, February 7, 2011

Matt's 27!

Matt turned 27 on Saturday!  It is still so crazy to me to think that I've known him for more than 10 years now!  The other day I was looking through some of our letters while he was on his mission.  When he turned 20, I sent him a letter telling him how old 20 sounded.  When he turned 21, I told him that 21 didn't seem that old because all the guy friends we had were at least 23, since all the guys our age were on missions.  Ha ha ha... it was fun to read through those letters.  Funny how at 19, 20 seemed like such a big jump... no longer a teenager.  Now, it seems so young.  It is weird to think we are in our "late 20's now!"  AAAHH.

Anyway, we had a fabulous BIRTHDAY WEEKEND!  On Friday night Matt and I went out to a nice dinner at a restaurant called Tiburon.  It was delicious!  Saturday morning I made a yummy "Bubble Bread" for Matt's birthday breakfast, and then we had a lazy day around our house, watching movies and the BYU basketball game.  Go Cougars! Then on Superbowl Sunday we had a small birthday/superbowl party for Matt.  It was fun to be able to celebrate all weekend!  I still can't believe how much junk food we ate in those 3 days!  We will be having birthday cake for our Family Night Treat tonight, and then hopefully I will have all the junk food out of my house so it doesn't tempt me anymore :)

Loved seeing my two guys watching the pre-game show together!

Can you tell we wanted the Packers to win?  

Packers colors were much better for decorations anyway...

The chocolate peanut butter cake... so yummy!  It was rich, which I liked because one piece was perfect!

Look at all those candles!

Happy Birthday Matt!  We love you so much!  You are the best dad and husband we could dream up!  Here's to 27!


Chelsey said...

NICE homemade decorations! They are so cute. I love birthday weekend...every birthday should be celebrated longer than just a day. Yummy cake! Matt is lucky to have you!

sarah e. said...

Mike will turn 27 at the end of the month too. So weird! When I turned 25 in August it started to hit me. In many ways I still feel like I'm 21 and newly married. I think as soon as you have kids life just speeds up.

sarah e. said...

And by the way, you are the cutest little holiday/party planner ever. Sydney's and Matt's birthday decorations were both adorable. I can't remember if you put pictures of Cooper's, but if you did those were great too.

And I loved your Thanksgiving gratitude banners. I get so many good ideas from you.

Your cake also looked beautiful and scrumptious. Wish I could of helped you eat it. That looked like some good chocolate ganache frosting.

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