Friday, July 16, 2010

9 Months!

9 Months!  It is hard for me to believe that Cooper has been in this world for longer than he was in my tummy growing.  How is it that it goes by SO MUCH FASTER when they are outside of you?  I think this could be my favorite stage.  I absolutely love it!  Cooper is 100% perfect at the moment.  He doesn't talk back or say no, he doesn't throw fits, he sleeps through the night, he still needs me, but is independent and crawling all over the place.... it is perfect.  I am trying to savor every moment, give him a billion kisses on his cute little baby body, and just soak it all in, because I know the baby stage is coming to an end, and toddlerhood is just around the corner.  I think I am having a harder time with him growing up than I did with Sydney, I really wish I could just keep him as a baby, but it is fun to watch him learn and grow, and I am sure he will be a fun toddler!

9 things about Cooper at 9 months:

1.  He is the happiest, cutest, most content baby alive!  

2.  His absess/infection is gone.  He has a bruise-like spot left on his bum, which the doctor said is scar tissue and will probably always be there.  

3.  He pulls himself up to stand on furniture and walks around it.  He also likes to let go of the furniture, put his arms up above his head and balance.

4.  He has 2 teeth that have popped through.

 5.  He puts EVERYTHING in his mouth and had his first visit (and ours as parents) to the Emergency Room this week.  I pulled a piece of plastic wrap out of his mouth, that he found under the bed.  Throughout the day I would notice him making this weird sound, so I called the doctor to see if it were possible that some had stuck in his throat and if it had, what should I be listening for. I told them he was breathing and acting fine, but I just wanted to know what to watch for.  The nurse I talked to FREAKED OUT at me.  She was basically yelling, and told me I had to take him to the Primary Children's E. R. right away.  She made me feel awful and really scared me.  So off to the E.R. we went.  Everything was fine, thankfully, and the doctor there wasn't very impressed with the nurse who did not ask me one question and sent me straight to the E.R.

6.  He loves to crawl all over the apartment and follow Sydney, follow Mommy, or just explore.  He breathes really heavy and fast when he is crawling because he is so excited, and he loves experimenting with his voice, making weird noises (which I know now).

7.  Whenever anyone holds him he puts his toe or foot in  your pocket.  

8.  He has developed a sense of humor and has the cutest laugh.  He is also very ticklish and laughs like crazy when he's being tickled.

9.  He loves to eat and is a chubba, chuncky, perfectly rolly polly baby! 

Cooper's 9 Month Stats:

Height: 26.2 inches (-5%, yes he's not even on the chart and must take after his mother, poor boy)
Weight: 19.2 pounds (about 30%)
Head Circumference: 17.8 inches (about 38%)

Since he started crawling his weight on the growth curve has decreased, however his Weight-For-Length Percentile is still 95%!  

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