Thursday, April 4, 2013

February, According to my iPhone

This put a smile on my face... Cooper spelled his name in the bath tub

Cooper got a "prayer bear" from primary.  He said his prayers about 5 times that day.

Eating lunch with Grandma

Matt's birthday dinner @ Bonsai!

Happy Birthday Matt!

Late night making Valentines... running on "last minute survival" mode a lot lately

Sydney carefully wrote her name on 35 valentines... melted my heart

Valentine's Playgroup

Love my preschoolers... a valentine from one of them

Lazy morning with my favorite little guy... He says to me, "Mommy, why don't you want me to get huge?" "Because then you wouldn't be my little boy anymore..." "But I would help you cook dinner."  "Ok, you can get bigger then..."  After thinking for a minute..."How about I stay little AND help you cook dinner?"  Sounds like a plan Cooper, I just want you to hold up your end of the bargain!

Couldn't resist taking this picture of Cooper at school...

1 comment:

sarah e. said...

I had a couple comments I thought I made, but I guess it was one of those things I started to type and never finished...

So glad you got a get-away to St. George and have been having a good winter. LOVE your basement...that is a mini-playroom, right? So awesome!

Hope spring is starting to come your way!

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