Saturday, October 29, 2011


I feel like life is finally calming down for us.  We've been in our new house for a week now!  Routines are coming back into our lives, and things are feeling more normal.  There are still boxes to be unpacked, and projects to do, but overall life is feeling more normal.  I feel like the last month of our lives has been so eventful.  Full of good, bad, hard, happy, heartbreaking, spiritual, and busy things.  Overall, we are so grateful for the church.  We are grateful for our knowledge of the Plan of Salvation.  We are grateful for the Spirit that we've felt.  And we are especially grateful for church members who have lifted us up and served us.  It is interesting to be the recipient of such service.  I've always wanted to be a person who is self reliant, and doesn't need help from others.  But there are times that I can't do everything on my own.  The past month has been one of those times.  We have received countless meals at Nana's house from the Relief Society.  Young Women babysat our kids for free.  The Elder's Quorum helped us move all of our stuff.  My brothers have helped us in our need for a "truck" several times this week. We were provided a place to live for a couple of weeks.  We have felt the blessings and spirit from countless prayers said on our behalf.  It is overwhelming to think about the ways that we have been blessed from the service of church members.  We have made new friends, strengthened relationships with old friends, and are so grateful for everything that people have done for us.  It is truly the most Christian thing I've experienced in my life, and I am so touched.  I only hope that I take the opportunity to serve others, because I know how rewarding it is to be the recipient of that service.  So, "thank you" to everyone for your love, support, and service.  We could not have done all of this without you!

1 comment:

Chelsey said...

I'm so glad things are settling now...and also that people were so helpful for you and your family!

Can't wait to see pictures of your house!

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