Thursday, April 8, 2010

6 Months

It is so weird to think that Cooper has been here with us for 1/2 a year! Time sure flies! He is starting to look so much older to me... Here are 6 things about Cooper at 6 months

1. He loves his feet... he is always playing with them and pulling his socks off... which are then wet from him sucking on them!

2. I think I am starting to see more "Holmes" in him. I see a lot of my dad and brother Michael in his eye/forehead area, especially with his blue eyes and light blond hair starting to come in...

3. He loves to grab anything within reach. He loves to play with toys and rattles, and paper, but we try to keep that away from him, because everything ends up in his mouth, and he doesn't need little pieces of paper stuck in there :)

4. He loves to laugh! He laughs when we tickle him, or play peek-a-boo, or when Sydney plays with him.

5. He is starting to be able to sit up on his own, for maybe a minute tops...

6. He is good natured, happy, loving, smiley, takes good long naps, still sleeps through the night, and of course is chubby! At our WIC appointment a few weeks ago he weighed almost 18 lbs. They said he was about 80% for weight and about 40% for height. I don't know if their info is as reliable as the doctor, but with those measurements, he sure is a chunk. This past month we had to change him into size 3 diapers, that is the size Sydney was wearing when we started potty training her. It was kind of an emotional thing for me to think that he was in that size of diapers- weird, I know. In fact, when we ran out of pull ups last week, Sydney was wearing Cooper's diapers to bed! I wish the size 3's still looked babyish. Somehow they look like they are for older kids... I guess he is getting older though. To go along with the chubby idea, Cooper has earned the nickname "tank." And all this chubbiness is all without ever having a bite of food... we are probably starting him with mush next week, which I'm sure he'll love!

He sure melts my heart! It's funny how you can develop a different relationship with different kids... and I love how my relationship with him is already different than it is with Sydney. He's my little guy and we all love him so much! Happy 1/2 birthday Coops!

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