Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ready to Pop

I am not a big fan of taking pictures when I'm pregnant. There's nothing like a picture that solely says, "Here look at my body!" Really. I have probably 3-4 pictures of my whole pregnancy with Sydney, and I pretty much hate all of them but maybe one. The only problem with that is that I can't remember exactly how I looked with her. My mom swears I was more straight out with her, and a little rounder this time around...maybe? I'm not sure. These pictures were taken a couple days before Sydney was born. I really don't like them very much... but I guess I'm posting them anyway. I think it's hard to tell how big I was, because of the angle, and that my shirt is not tight, but for the sake of trying to compare...

And this picture was taken a few days before our 2nd will be born... The angle is a little different, I have a tight shirt on, you can see my legs, and I'm actually 2 weeks earlier in this picture, so I think it is hard to compare the two... so the moral of the story is, take pictures when you are pregnant, even if you hate it, just because you'll always wonder and want to compare and won't be able to.

And yes, you heard right!!! This picture was taken a FEW days before our still unnamed, 2nd baby will be born! I went to the doctor yesterday, and he is inducing me on MONDAY!!! We sure are excited about this news! My brother, Tim, is especially excited because he will be able to see the baby before he leaves on his mission this Thursday! When the doctor measured me, he asked how big Sydney was again... I said, 8 lbs 6 oz... and he said, "yeah, he'll be that big." The way he said it, it made it seem like he'll actually be bigger. So, that will be another plus with having him 2 weeks early... I'm afraid I wouldn't be able deliver a baby that is much bigger than he is now.

It is a weird feeling knowing the day that he will be coming. It makes me a little more stressed out, because I feel like I have so much I want to get done before he comes! There are so many ups and downs at the end of a pregnancy. You are so uncomfortable that you can hardly stand it and just want the baby out, but at the same time, you know that life is going to change dramatically and aren't quite sure you are ready for it. Plus, there are some things that I really do enjoy about pregnancy. It sure is neat to feel that baby grow inside of you. But I think that this time around, my body is a little more ready for it to be over. My stomach touches the steering wheel after I eat when I'm driving, I have a hard time getting in and out of a car, I'm super emotional, and I pretty much can't walk normal anymore...I waddle. The doctor said that I'm more uncomfortable and sore this time because I am dilated more than I ever was with Sydney until I was in active labor. At my appointment I was dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced. And with Sydney, they day before she was born, I was only dilated to a 1. It is interesting how different pregnancies can be.

Yesterday, I was walking through Target and some guy said to me..."You look like you are ready to pop any minute!" It sure was nice to say, "Yes, on Monday!" Instead of my usual, "2 weeks left!" So as the saying goes, we are excited to pop this baby out! We'll be sure to post pictures and stats!


Brian and April said...

You look so cute seriously you do. I love your hair. Good luck this week. Can't wait to see pictures.

Lisa said...

Jolynn! You are so cute pregnant. I love the belly. We are so excited to see our new nephew. Good luck with everything on monday.

Kelli said...

Yayyyy!! Congrats. I can't wait to see the little guy. Text me if you need anything - and I mean anything! I'm close by!

Chelsey said...

You look so pretty!I can't believe you will be a family of 4 monday! you have everything arranged for Sydney? I am sure you do but if you need help with a babysitter call me! Good luck on Monday, I am so excited for you and I am still planning on spending a day with you while you are recovering.

janderson said...

Ya, you're definitely poking out a few inches more with the second baby. But it's very cute on you! Good luck on Monday -very exciting!

Bekah Parker said...

Good luck! I'm excited for pictures!

Lindsee said...

Hey, you may have a big belly, but you are a cute pregnant lady!

I have a large and in charge bump too...and could go any day now, but am semi-hoping (hoping for the sake of the babies, not me so much), that I make it til November!!

So glad you get to know the day! A light at the end of the tunnell!!

And yes...maybe I stalk your blog...

Anonymous said...

You look great!! And thanks for all the sharing of your pregnancy. It helps to know that others feel the same way (and at least what to expect in the 3rd trimester)! ;)

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