Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Love This Girl!

Sydney is growing up so fast, I just can't believe it! She makes me laugh every day, either saying or doing funny things. There are many times I turn around and just laugh at her little personality. The other day, we found her sitting on the couch like this...

Then, she realized we were watching her and trying to take a picture, so of course she posed and said, "cheese!" Sydney loves the "p00-ter" and tries to touch it whenever she can. She likes to try to do the things that we do.

Another day, I found her sitting in the kitchen like this...

Other times I have found her in the cupboard, in the laundry basket, and many other places. She has a lot of fun exploring and playing. She loves dolls, babies, stuffed animals, and her little people toys. I can't believe how much her vocabulary has grown. She will carry on conversations on the phone, and loves to call "pampa." The other day we were at the doctor's office and she walked across the waiting room, climbed up on a chair next to a couple, sat down, and said, "Hi, what are you doing?" She loves to ask people what they are doing. Sometimes, if she is just sitting down, I ask her what she is doing and she says, "I'm doing sit." So funny! She is a very social little girl, and is genuinely happy. However, the tantrums are starting to come more often. She takes after me with her patience, and gets frustrated pretty easily. It's pretty funny because she has started calling Matt "Matt" when she gets mad at him, instead of daddy. She'll start out saying daddy, and if he ignores her, she says "Matt!" I love it!

We got her big girl bed all set up and she has been sleeping in it for about a week now. She loves it! And I especially love it because she sleeps ALL NIGHT! When she was in her toddler bed, she would wake up a few times a night, so it has cut my night time wake-ups from about 5-6 times to 2-3 times, for bathroom runs. She does take a little longer to get to sleep in her bed though, because she is so excited about it, that she wants to play in the covers and can't calm down as easy. Hopefully with a little time that will change.

We are not sure how much Sydney understands about "baby brother." She knows he is in my tummy. She will share her sippy with him, and kiss him, and push on my tummy while telling him to kick. She knows what blankets and clothes are his, and talks about him. It will be interesting to see how she reacts when he comes. She does love babies, but has never had to deal with one around all the time, taking mommy's attention. We are excited to have 2 kids, but I must admit, I will miss having so much time to spend with Sydney alone. I tell her almost every day that she is my best friend. And she really is. I love her so much, and am so happy to have her in my life!


Anonymous said...

She is so cute and looks so grown up in her new bed! Hope you are feeling well-you are going to be great at the two kids thing.

Kelli said...

She is SO cute. I can't imagine her throwing tantrums, because she's always so well behaved on our lunch outings :)

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