Monday, April 27, 2009


Yesterday, Matt made the executive decision that we were taking Sydney to nursery.  She really is about 2 weeks away from her 18 month birthday, but Matt said she's close enough.  Sydney has been pretty hard to handle in church since she started walking, because she is so curious and just wants to walk around.  Poor Matt has had the blunt of it all because I was the primary pianist and could not take care of her, so he got to take her for 2 hours of church every week.   Sacrament Meeting was especially hard, because it was last and Sydney had just had it by then.  Church with kids is hard because it throws them off their schedules- naps, lunch, etc.  and they don't quite know what to do.  Anyway, we are attending church in my family's ward until our house is built, and after Sacrament Meeting we walked up the stairs to the nursery.  Matt set Sydney down at the top of the stairs and she just walked into the room like, I didn't know all these toys and kids were here?!  She didn't even turn around.  The leaders asked us her name and told us it looked like she'd be fine.  As we were leaving a little boy started running for the door after his mom, crying, and Sydney looked at him like he was crazy.  When we were in Sunday School, every time the door opened I would look back wondering if they were bringing her to us.  But she made it through the two hours with I'm sure less anxiety than her mom!  Matt went to pick her up at the end of church, and they told him that she was social and talkative- that's Sydney in a nut shell!  So we officially have a little break before we have to worry about taking care of a baby the entire time at church.  I have to say it was really nice to be able to actually sit and listen during church!  It is hard to believe that Sydney is old enough to be in nursery!  I have to say, I'm proud of her for doing so well, and it is a little sad that she doesn't "need" me at church, but I am glad that she is so independent.  I love her little personality!  Here is a picture that she colored on her first day at nursery...

1 comment:

Missy Page said...

I can't believe that she is already old enough to go to nursery! I am not surprised that she did so well, she is such a social butterfly. We miss you!

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