We had a little birthday party/get together for Sydney's birthday on Sunday night. I know a lot of people go all out for their baby's first birthdays, but we wanted to keep it pretty small. I did make a cake and a cute sign, and she had plenty of presents, so it was a successful, fun night. Sydney really enjoyed pretty much everything about her birthday. It was a night of many firsts for her, which she loved. We can't believe that we have such a big girl! It sure has been a great year!
Licking the frosting off the beater...
Wearing her birthday hat, which didn't stay on long!

The sign I made, and the many unopened presents!

Sydney loved unwrapping the presents and playing with the wrapping paper and bows!

Reading a book she got...

We made a coloring book for Sydney to go along with her first crayons...

Sydney's huge pile of opened presents...
My first attempt at making a cake & it turned out pretty well!

Sydney getting ready to eat her cake!

All done!

Sydney has many people who love her. Thank you everyone for the presents and for spending some of this special day with us and Sydney! We all had fun!

That was so much fun! Sydney is such a cute "baby" girl! I am so glad I can be apart of her life. Thanks for inviting us to her party!
Hooray for birthday parties!! Looks like a fun time had by all.
You cake turned out AWESOME! Looks like a fun time was had by all, especially Sydney!
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