Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Maybe Someday

Today Matt started yet another semester of school. At the beginning of every semester it seems like we are still not any closer to finishing school... how long have we been saying "about 2 years left"???? Why is it that school has to take so long and cost so much? Why does it take up so much of our time? Many days it doesn't seem worth it, but I know that it is! Matt will be taking 2 or 3 classes this semester (whatever ends up working out). He has to take very early classes, because of his schedule at Comcast that he CAN NOT change. But I guess when you lose a job, you take what you can get. Comcast has been a great job, except for the fact that they are not flexible with scheduling AT ALL! We are trying to change Matt's schedule to "part time" at work, but it takes a few months to get approved. I am amazed by this incredible man. Twice a week, he will leave our house by 6:00 a.m. at the latest, and get home at 9:00 p.m. He has to work 40 hours a week AND go to school, and still gets decent grades. And he comes home to a stressed out wife who has been potty training and taking care of crying kids all day with no car in the middle of winter, so no opportunity to get out. And he doesn't take his stress out on anyone. He gets home with plenty of hugs and kisses for us. He helps me get the kids to bed. He reads with us and says prayers with us, and is very present in our kids' lives. He is a great dad! I am so grateful to have Matt in my life. I know that he has a testimony of the family because of how much he does for our family. We have been so blessed for all that he does, especially for giving me the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. One thing I have learned is that the right thing is not always the easy thing! Thank you Matt for all that you do!

I know that we are supposed to enjoy life as it is, and not always be wishing for the future. And I think I do, for the most part. But on this one thing, I can't help but think... maybe someday we will be DONE with school!


Kjirsten said...

Honestly, that sounds HARD! Good luck with the potty training. It's not the easiest thing:(

sarah e. said...

Yeah we should enjoy the moment, but we ARE supposed to have hope in the future...you are right on!

See Elder Holland's talk in the Ensign this month: http://lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?hideNav=1&locale=0&sourceId=366f47a27a2b5210VgnVCM100000176f620a____&vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD

Missy Page said...

We are so proud of all of you! it is so hard to work and go to school; and to be home with little kids alone while Matt is gone. You are great parents and such a good example to us all. We love you!

Chelsey said...

Hopefully things will work out with the scheduling...it is difficult to have an inflexible job when you are in school. But the day will come.

I am putting off potty training Hunter...I think my deadline for getting it done is before he goes to Kindergarten. Good luck...let me know what works.

Bekah Parker said...

You will get there!! I know it seems never ending but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Goodluck with everything this semester!

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