Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Instagram April

I've been loving the Instagram App on my phone.  It has made it so easy for me to capture those every day moments that don't always get photographed.  Sometimes those moments are the best ones to remember, they just don't warrant running upstairs to pull my huge camera out... so a phone camera... perfect solution.  Here's a peak at our every day moments from April:

Easter Cookies

Reading to Jessie... She's getting so good at reading!

Making a nest for the birds...

Planting flowers...

Fell asleep while reading...

Playing baseball with himself... Hitting the ball off the tee,
right into his glove... So talented!

Making cookies with Grandma

Two things Cooper loves: riding his bike and his snow boots

Lunch at Daddy's work for Bring Your Child to Work Day

Landon's Baby Blessing

Made a new wreath for the front door

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